Thinking of visiting?

Thinking of visiting?

Come and visit us!

We meet each week to hear the Bible read and taught faithfully, we sing and pray, and we enjoy time in fellowship afterwards.

Epping Presbyterian Church is a community of believers who follow Jesus. We love the Word of God. We aim to teach it clearly, faithfully and compellingly. In God’s Word we see the hope filled love of Jesus. Jesus saves us from sin. He loves us. And our desire is for all people to come to saving faith in Jesus. God’s Word compels us to reach Epping and beyond, for generations to come to faith with the message of the Gospel.

Whether you are looking for a church, new to church, or are still thinking through life’s big questions, we would love for you to join us on Sundays. We are a pretty relaxed multicultural church with all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. You will be met with a warm community who desire to share the Gospel and life together.

At a typical service, we gather to worship God by singing, reading a part of the Bible, and then one of the ministers will teach from God’s Word for about 30 minutes or so (find previous sermons here). The service includes a kids talk, creche (under 2 years), and Junior and Senior kids church for primary aged school children. The kid’s program is run termly by a team of dedicated, trained and safe church approved leaders. You can find more about the Kids church here.

Our services go for about 75-90 minutes.

Following each service, please stay around to join in conversations over morning tea. We look forward to meeting you this Sunday!

All rights reserved Epping Presbyterian Church © 2024