What is the gospel?

What is the gospel?

The loving Creator

The loving Creator

God is the one true and living ruler of all things. He is the Lord and King of everything that exists. He made the world and he made us in his image. We are all valuable in his sight and we belong to Him. He gave us a unique place in his good world. He made us to be in a loving relationships with him and given us the privilege to care for his perfect and beautiful world.

But what happened?

We rebelled against God

We rebelled against God

From the beginning, humanity chose to reject God, the loving Creator. In fact, all of us do not want God to be our ruler. We rejected him as God by deciding to live our own way. We ignore or reject God and do not give him thanks for all the good things he has given us. We create other little gods by living for wealth, pleasure, glory and happiness. We treat others badly because we lie, cheat, steal, lust, and hate. The Bible calls this sin. But we fail to rule ourselves and the world.

So what will God do about our rebellion?

God will judge the world

God will judge the world

God cares enough to take sin seriously. He must. This is right and good. And this is because He is perfectly just. This means He will judge humanity. We experience God’s judgement when we die. If you are cut off from God, that means you face death and Hell. Rejecting God brings His anger and wrath. We have brought God’s wrath on ourselves. This leaves us in a state of fear, shame and guilt before an offended God.

But it’s not the end of the story.

God sent Jesus to die for us

God sent Jesus to die for us

God loves the world he created, and he loves us. He did not leave us to suffer the consequences of our rebellion. He sent his divine Son into the world to save us: the man Jesus Christ. Unlike us, Jesus did not sin. Jesus always lived under God’s rule. Jesus always honoured and gave thanks to God. Ultimately, Jesus paid the price of broken relationship. Although He could heal the sick and raise the dead, Jesus allowed himself to die on a Roman cross. Why? He took responsibility for us before God. He died in our place. Death is the punishment for rebellion, and he died our death. All this we completely do not deserve. And we can’t earn. We rejected God, but because of his great love, God sent Jesus to die for us.

But that’s not all.

God sent Jesus to die for us

God rose again to rule forever

Death was not the end for Jesus. Jesus said he would rise again. And he did. God raised him to life again once and for never to die again. Jesus is the world’s King and Saviour. One day Jesus will come to judge this world and create a perfect world. He will rule as King. Those who reject Jesus will remain cut off from God for eternity. But those who trust in Him will enjoy love, joy, peace for all eternity with him in his kingdom that does not end. This is most important decision you will ever have to make in your life.

Will you trust in Jesus as your King?

Content and icons sourced from Two Ways to Live

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